Monday, January 25, 2010



It has been a very busy two months, and as you may have noticed our team news has been bare bones with just the essential info. I just haven’t been able to keep up with all of the many great things that our kids our accomplishing every week in order to point them out in the team news like I have in the past. I talk to our coaches at Hilliker and Columbus and they all keep saying the same thing: we have swimmer after swimmer achieving and improving. Everyone has a great attitude and they are all bringing it to the pool to practice. Not only does this make our job as coaches easier, but it is very motivating. When the kids work harder, we work harder. In 20 years, I have never coached with a finer coaching staff or a better team of swimmers. I also had the unfortunate opportunity to witness firsthand two parents from other teams behaving pretty badly this week-end. That was a nice fresh reminder to me how lucky our team is to have such trust from our parents, and really a group of parents that seems to get that we coaches not only work hard for all of our kids, but we enjoy doing that! So thanks and keep up the great team spirit Buckeyes - and let’s look forward to a fantastically fast Championship season!

Laurie Karr
Head Coach, USA-S
Buckeye Swim Club/Hilliker YMCA